FULL MOVIE ONLINE – scroll down



Check out the „ROOTS IN EGO“ NFT collection on OpenSea FILM COLLECTION, minted on a custom smart contract. This collection offers fans and collectors the unique opportunity to own a piece of cinematic history and to support the upcoming film project of the talented author 113kw.

The collection features exclusive video teasers from the movie „ROOTS IN EGO,“ which explores the question of where evil comes from in people, created by screenwriter, director, and producer 113kw (Kristina Weiserova). The film had its premiere in 2016 and its public premiere in 2017, and has been in development since 2012. The script was written with inspiration from the people around 113kw at the time, as well as from philosopher Paul Brunton.


„ROOTS IN EGO“ is a 35-minute, cinema-quality short film that explores the question of where evil comes from in people. The film delves into the intersection of parties, drugs, and philosophy, and offers a thought-provoking commentary on the society we live in today. The film was directed, produced, and written by 113kw (Kristina Weiserova) IMDB who also held its premiere in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe, as well as over 20 screenings between 2017 and 2020. These screenings were accompanied by music events, art exhibitions, and conferences. In addition to the Czech Republic, the film also had a showing at a movie festival in Perth, Western Australia.

The movie received positive feedback from audiences and critics alike, and was praised for its unique and bold approach to tackling a complex and relevant topic. The film’s style is experimental, blending elements of fiction and documentary, providing a thought-provoking, yet entertaining, experience for the viewer.


The „ROOTS IN EGO“ NFT collection is the perfect opportunity for fans of the film to own a piece of cinematic history and to support the author’s next project. By purchasing an NFT from this collection, you will not only own a unique and limited-edition collectible but also be supporting independent filmmaking and the development of 113kw’s next film project.

As a token holder, you will have access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content, updates on the new project’s development, and will be recognized as an official supporter of the author and their work. The NFTs in this collection include video teasers from the movie „ROOTS IN EGO“ which gives you a glimpse into the world of the film and the thought-provoking themes it explores.

The „ROOTS IN EGO“ NFT collection is minted on a custom smart contract, ensuring the authenticity and rarity of each NFT. Each NFT is unique and one-of-a-kind, making it a valuable addition to any collection. The collection is available also on Rarible , Looksrare and Gem.

In addition to supporting the author’s next film project, owning an NFT from this collection also gives you the opportunity to be a part of the metaverse and web3 community. NFTs are a new and exciting way to own and collect digital assets, and they are quickly gaining popularity in the world of art and entertainment. By purchasing an NFT, you are not only investing in a piece of art or entertainment but also in the future of digital ownership and the technology that powers it.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of cinematic history and to support independent filmmaking. Visit the „ROOTS IN EGO“ NFT collection on OpenSea and purchase your NFT today to become a supporter of 113kw’s next film project and be a part of the metaverse and web3 community.

Roots in Ego - short movie


A nasty tale about mean people from Žižkov.
Watch the story about a day in the lives of two sisters and their friends,
full of drugs and electronic music.
Roots in Ego is the story of Natalie and her sister Karolina.
Natalie does poledance, Karolina works in a piercing studio,
Lubosh is a DJ living in the world of music, Oskar and Petr spend their lives organizing loss-making parties,
and some… some just spend their after work pint hating..
whilst others yap along with some stronger stuff.. Is there any good?
Where does evil come from? What happens to Natalie?

Realizace / Realization – presskit

  • Autor (námět, scénář, režie, produkce) / Author (theme, director, production): 113kw (Kristina Weiserová)
  • Premiéra / Premiere : 3.3. 2017 Palace Akropolis
  • Postproduction : 2014, 2015, 2016
  • Scénář a Natáčení / Scriptwriting and Shooting :  2013
  • Lokace / Shooting location : Praha – Žižkov, Uhříněves
  • Formát / Format : DCP
  • Délka / Length : 35 minut


Roots in Ego je filmové filozofování o původu zla v životech lidí v dnešním světě (možná na první pohled až křečovitě) zábavných, nikdy nekončících party a drog…  Roots in Ego is a film philosophy on the origins of evil in the lives of people in today’s world full of fun neverending parties and drugs… follow us on facebook, twitterinstagramu .

Video_IconCzech and Slovak Film Festival WESTERN AUSTRALIA
. screenings / promítání
. výstava / art exhibition


#rootsinego je totálně nezávislý film, který vznikl s nulovým rozpočtem díky sociálním sítím, spojující profesionály a nadšence. Film je dokončen, a měl úspěšnou premiéru 3.3.2017 v paláci Akropolis, ve spojení s party. Zůčastnilo se velké množství lidí, a pro diváky byla připravena také výstava, tanečnice, visualizace, dekorace a 3d mapping. Promítání plánujeme po celé ČR, aktuální je pod odkazem tady .

#rootsinego is a totally independent film, created with zero budget thanks to social networks linking professionals and enthusiasts. The movie is finished and was succesfuly premiered on 3.3. 2017 in Palace Akropolis, it was screened with english subtitles. There was a lot of people, and visitors were able to see the exhibiton, dancers, visualization, decorations and 3d mapping. We are planning screenings around the whole republic, you can see the one for this week under the link here .

Roots In Ego je lehce kuriózní, vysněný projekt, scénář plný nadsázky, symboliky a humoru z prostředí alternativní kultury a nekomerčního světa mejdanů, napsaný dle námětu začínající autorky s pseudonymem 113kw, který vzniká -jak překvapivé- s extrémně nízkým rozpočtem a ve volném čase podílejících se profesionálů, z nichž někteří mají již na kontě řadu významných projektů. Název „Roots in Ego“ si autoka zapůjčila z knihy „Perspektivy“ od britského filozofa Paula Bruntona, který ve stejnojmenné kapitole hovoří o zlu jako o veličině pramenící výhradně z lidského ega. Mladá autorka Kristina Weiserová pracuje ve filmovém a televizním oboru od roku 2005, na pozicích od komparsu, přes klapku, skript, až druhou asistentku režie. Studovala novinařinu a dějiny a teorii divadla a filmu, a přináší příběh z prostředí, kterému se již v několika audiovizuálních počinech věnovala.

Roots in Ego is a slight eccentricity, a dream project, where the screenplay, full of humor and symbolism, is based in an environment of alternative culture and the non-commercial world of parties, based on the idea of a beginning author going by the pseudonym of 113kw, which was created, surprisingly, with an extremely low budget and in the free time of participating professionals, some of which have a history filled with significant projects.  The title, Roots in Ego, is borrowed from the title of a chapter in the book “Perspectives” by British philosopher Paul Brunton, who explains that evil comes from within the human ego. The young author, Kristina Weiserova, has been working in the film and television industry since 2005 in positions ranging from extras work, to valve, script or 2nd assistant director.. She studied journalism and the history and theory of theatre and film, and now brings you a story from an environment previously visited in her works.

Film je určen pro moderního diváka a fanoušky krátkého filmu a film; s drogovou tématikou. Své příznivce si najde i mezi návštěvníky žánrových festivalů.

The movie targets the modern viewer and the short film and drug movies enthusiast. It will also certainly find fans amongst topical film festival regulars.

Video_IconCzech and Slovak Film Festival WESTERN AUSTRALIA
. screenings / promítání
. výstava / art exhibition