Roots In Ego is a 35-minute comedic-dramatic independent film by writer, director, and producer Kristina „113kw“ Weiser. The film premiered four years after the script was written, with a private premiere for friends of the author and the film, followed by a public premiere at the Akropolis Palace, a historic cultural venue in Prague. The premiere was also accompanied by an exhibition and musical performances by the film’s composers. The film has been shown at over 15 events since its premiere, including at film festivals and NFT showcases, accompanied by musical parties and exhibitions to immerse the audience in the world of the film. Some events also included workshops and discussions on drug prevention.


The 35-minute long, comedic-dramatic independent film „Roots In Ego,“ written, directed, and produced by Kristina „113kw“ Weiser, had its first premiere four years after she began writing the script. It was a so-called pre-premiere, for friends of the author and the film, at the cultural house in Uhříněves, Prague 22, which is on the outskirts of the city, where a scene of a party, where some of the author’s friends appear as extras in the crowd, was also filmed. The public premiere took place in March 2017, at the Akropolis Palace, in Prague 3, which has a long cultural history, and it was important for the author that the premiere was also associated with an exhibition and musical performances by the authors of the music, which the Akropolis Palace, with its many rooms, allows. The film was screened in the main hall, and on other stages, there were shows with dancers, in the foyer and café there was an exhibition, and the author did not forget to alternate with a secret window, a long-term exhibition, that every regular guest of the legendary Akropolis Palace knows. The exhibition of prints, photographs, and graphics took place throughout the month. In the following years, the author organized more than 15 events, including participation in the Czech-Slovak community film festival in Western Australia in 2017, or participation in NFT NYC, where the NFTs from the film were part of the Vizmesh project screened on Times Square in New York in June 2022. Each event was accompanied by a music party and an exhibition, where the goal of the concept was that after watching the film, the viewer would emotionally become part of its world. Some events were outdoors, where the author organized a cinema tent, others in cultural centers or cinemas throughout the Czech Republic. Sometimes there were also discussion about drug prevention, or various workshops.
Since 2021, you can visit the film at the metaverse cinema, which is built on the Pizza DAO / Snax property, which we would like to thank. The cinema is in the third floor of the 3D virtual house and around it are photographs from the film. In other floors are exhibited other European artists.